7 Park Avenue Financial Is Always Looking For Talented Sales Finance Representatives
Feel free to submit a resume, call to discuss, or arrange a meeting. We will, of course, hold all inquiries in the strictest of confidence.
Why work at 7 Park Avenue Financial?
It's not all about money, but we do feel we offer the highest compensation ( 70% of gross income ) in the industry.
We have been in business for 16+ years! And have multi-underwriting capabilities. We have completed transactions in equipment financing, franchise financing, asset-based lending, commercial mortgages, merger and acquisition, Sr&ed tax credit financing, film, television, digital animation tax credit financing, working capital financing, factoring and purchase order financing and banking.
99% of our business is referral business from existing customers. All of Canada's banks and other major financial institutions such as pension funds and independent finance companies refer customers to 7 Park Avenue Financial.
7 Park Avenue has been profiled in the NATIONAL POST and has originated financings for our customers fast approaching the 120,000,000.00$ mark.
Compensation is on a commission basis, and we provide head office and marketing support and numerous other benefits. If you are a professional sales finance or leasing finance rep with a solid reputation, we want to talk to you and allow you the opportunity to enjoy unparalleled income and career success.
We think you'll be successful if you are comfortable talking business to business, understanding customer financing needs, and enjoying solving customer financing challenges.
Let's talk.
Call - Stan Prokop - Principal tel 416 319 5769
Email - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com
Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial.
Stan Prokop
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