Transportation Rental Leasing Trucking Commercial 7 Park Avenue Financial

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Best Rates In Transportation & Rental Leasing In Commercial Trucking In Canada
Key Issues In Transport Logistics Finance In Canada


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Is it possible for business owners, financial managers, or owner-operators themselves to ensure they have the best rates in transportation and rental leasing in Canada? Commercial trucking continues to be a large part of equipment leasing and financing in Canada: let's examine some key issues around rates, structures and approvals for maximum flexibility and success.

Asset value plays a huge part in the relationship to winning from the viewpoint of quick approval and a rate, term and structure you can live with.  In many cases the Canadian marketplace does not offer as robust and offering as in the U.S.  There we find there are all sorts of financial offerings around transportation leasing - these include full payout capital leases, operating leases, 'Trac' Leases, etc.

We can safely say in Canada that the majority of leases are full payout capital leases - that is to say 'lease to own'. Typically your lessor will be on the ownership title, leasing the vehicle to you as the lessee

In Canada, or anywhere for that matter, the asset value plays a key role, as we said, in both lease approval and structuring.  The bottom line - transportation assets depreciate in value and determining the value at the end of any lease term early in your transaction negotiations is difficult. This is compounded when you are acquiring used transport and rental assets, which play a huge role in the lease financing industry.

Physical condition, therefore, plays a key role in the financing decision, and in some cases, an appraisal might be required.  So, as ironic as it seems, some key factors in your final credit decision and approval might well include mileage, tires, safety checks, and maintenance stats.  You, therefore, need to understand as an owner-operator or commercial fleet manager that these factors may well affect your payment and play a key role in your lease vs. buy decision.

Some of the high-level points of interest you should focus on to understand how pricing is determined in commercial truck financing are the manufacturer and model, the expected useful life (again, either new or used), as well as the ability to finance any soft costs associated with your transaction.

Working with a specialized expert in transportation is key to achieving prompt approval that makes sense in terms of your financial obligation.  Not all lessors in Canada have the capability to service and finance transportation rental & leasing that you require in commercial trucking.

A combination of knowledge, financing services that suit trucking, and value-added advice are key. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor to assist you in achieving and approval and rates that make sense in commercial transport finance in Canada.



transportation rental leasing trucking commercial

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

7 Park Avenue Financial/Copyright/2024






Stan Prokop is the founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial and a recognized expert on Canadian Business Financing. Since 2004 Stan has helped hundreds of small, medium and large organizations achieve the financing they need to survive and grow. He has decades of credit and lending experience working for firms such as Hewlett Packard / Cable & Wireless / Ashland Oil