Government Small Business Loans SBL Loan 7 Park Avenue Financial

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Canadian 21st Century Financing – Utilizing Government Small Business Loans - Why an SBL Loan Is Right For You
Canada Small Business Loan

You Are Looking for Government Small Business Loans – Check out the SBL loan! 

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Let's quiz you first. Answer yes or no to the following question.  Do you believe you can get a 350,000.00$ business loan in Canada with a 10% down payment... 7 year terms...oh, and how's this for size ... only a 25% personal guarantee.  Oh and one more thing, at a rate just a few points over prime.  Even if you are a start-up or a relatively new or smaller firm?

So, yes or no. Then Read on!

Is your company a 'start-up'? Or, are you a small to medium-sized Canadian business looking for financing choices?

Have we got a deal for you! Well at the risk of sounding like a hack used car salesperson we are actually genuinely excited about some Canadian business financing that a lot of biz folks seem to be overlooking these days. And wait until you hear why.
And the reasons why. Simply that the answer is 'YES' to our first question. Those are the key elements of the Canadian government small business loans. And with all due respect to our friends in government, you don't even deal with them on the loan.

We're talking today about what many folks call the Canada SBL loan.  It seems to be one of the better guarded secrets in Canada - even though 7,441 of your peers and competitors in small businesses used it in Canada last year. Oh, and by the way, they got a total of 957 Million dollars in financing at those great rates, terms, and structures that we mentioned in our opening question to you.

Let's dig in then, and get you very quickly up to speed on the program. You'll be surprised at how clear (hopefully!?) our info is on getting you what you want to know about your participation in the program.

Here we go... strap yourself in. The program is administered by the good folks at Industry Canada, but on a day to day basis, the loans under this special program are administered by your local banking institution.  The program maxes out at 350,000.00$ ... which from our perspective is quite generous, don’t you think.  And here’s a special kicker - if you just want to use the program for real estate you can actually borrow up to $500,000.

Financings can be used for equipment, leasehold improvements

Qualifications, simply your 10% equity contribution against the asset you are financing, and reasonable personal credit history. In Canada, those folks with Credit Bureau Scores of 650 are deemed ‘good' from a credit perspective.

Want some winning suggestions on getting government small business loans approved quickly, efficiently, and for the amount you need? Your best bet might not be to go it alone. Seek a credible, experienced and trusted Canadian business financing advisor who will help you draft a proposal, present it for you and with you, and help you ensure 100% financing success for your Canadian SBL loan.  Welcome to the 21st Century!... Finally... Great financing when you need it, at rates, terms and structures that work!




government small business loans sbl loan

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

7 Park Avenue Financial/Copyright/2024






Stan Prokop is the founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial and a recognized expert on Canadian Business Financing. Since 2004 Stan has helped hundreds of small, medium and large organizations achieve the financing they need to survive and grow. He has decades of credit and lending experience working for firms such as Hewlett Packard / Cable & Wireless / Ashland Oil