Government Business Loans SBL Loan Canadian 7 Park Avenue Financial

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How To Increase Your Chance Of Approval For Government Business Loans – Canadian SBL Loan Advice
Something Worth Considering!  Government Business Loans




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Odds. We can't speak for you but we like them when they are stacked in our favour! So is there a way to increase your chances of loan approval for the SBL Loan... Canadian government business loans?  We know there is! and we’re going to show you how.


Some folks might consider us biased, but we think it's very obvious that the Canadian BIL/CSBF program is, bar none, one of the best programs in Canada for small businesses, and that’s including start-ups by the way. First of all, it's about those great rates, terms and structures, as well as limited personal liability, but primarily because with a basic understanding of key program requirements you can find yourself 'APPROVED‘ (that’s one of our favourite words by the way) in a matter of days.


So what’s all this about stacking the odds in your favour?  Most Canadian business owners and financial managers we meet, including those entrepreneurs starting a business, have in some cases not heard of the program. However, more importantly, those that view the words such as 'government' or 'bank’ with a bit of trepidation, sometimes based on real-world experience.


The reality is that if you understand the key requirements of the program you are in a position to better address those issues, in effect ' finesse' them and tilt the odds of approval in your favour.  Doesn't it make sense that if you understand the requirements, and present them in a professional manner you would be in a position to garner full approval for your financing?


We feel sorry for the business owners and entrepreneurs, including franchisees that show up at our door with tales of being declined or having spent too much time facilitating their SBL Loan financing. And suffice to say we even know their story before they tell it to us... simply that they failed to provide the right documentation in a coherent understandable manner. It's a simple case of positioning yourself, your business, and your business's financial future. That is often done by a strong business plan or executive summary.


Having to continually go back and address the providers of government business loans with additional information can of course create a negative spin on your financing request. That's not good.


In Canada, the SBL Loan program is run by INDUSTRY CANADA. That’s the federal government by the way! We are sure they are nice people, but guess what? The bottom line is that you will never meet them as the Canadian government business loans are administered by your local bank.


The odds of increasing your chances of loan approval for an SBL loan improve directly in relation to the knowledge and quality of your banker. We're sorry to say that many bankers often exhibit signs of not being knowledgeable about the program or even supportive of the general spirit of the program. And by the way, that spirit is just one thing - providing your new or existing business with up to 350k in financing for equipment, leaseholds, software, real estate, etc. on terms you would never normally achieve under normal business financing. Enough said.


If you want the complete attention of your banker have a solid package. There are only 4 or 5 things required in that package, so it’s hardly rocket science.  


Want even better odds? Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can fast track you to SBL loan success.

7 Park Avenue Financial/Copyright/2020

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

7 Park Avenue Financial/Copyright/2024






Stan Prokop is the founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial and a recognized expert on Canadian Business Financing. Since 2004 Stan has helped hundreds of small, medium and large organizations achieve the financing they need to survive and grow. He has decades of credit and lending experience working for firms such as Hewlett Packard / Cable & Wireless / Ashland Oil